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Investment Document

20 July 2023 | By Charles Pacheco


Important Notice
This Document (The Brochure and Subscription Agreement)
is produced by the Bushido Impact CIC incorporated in
England and Wales with registered number. 123456.This
Document is solely for information purposes and relates to a
private offer for the issue of up to £3,500,000 fixed interest
Bonds of Bushido Impact CIC (the “Company”) and has
been issued by the Company. Reliance on this Document
for the purpose of engaging in any investment activity is not
advised and may expose an individual to risk of losing some
or all the property or other assets invested.
The Company does not give any financial advice of any kind.
Although the Company has taken all reasonable care, no
responsibility is accepted by them for any reliance placed
upon the information by investors. If you are in any doubt
about the contents of this Document, you should contact
your stockbroker, solicitor, accountant, bank manager or
other professional adviser authorised under FSMA, who
specialises in advising on investment in shares and other
securities, including unlisted securities


About Me

I am a postitive, tenacious, highly motivated and self driven person and have a consistant and proven track record of success and over achievements in sales, marketing and business consultancy. I have a wealth of experience working across all business sectors and worked for large corporates extensively in the United Kingdom and periodically in the USA, My passion now is with Find Us On Web and my focus is to bring local businesses together and help them find new ways to generate leads and drive more sales. We connect businesses with their existing and potential new customers at our networking events, trade shows, business award events, advertising publications and our digital market place www.findusonweb.com I work with businesses who are looking for guaranteed sales, guaranteed customers, resulting in guaranteed growth.

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